Alertpay Verification

Alertpay FAQ:

Q: What is account verification?
Account verification identifies who you are as a KYC (Know your customer) policy. It's important for the AlertPay network that members identify themselves by submitting documentation to protect our members against fraud. At any time, AlertPay can ask you to become verified.

Q: What type of verification documents can I provide to AlertPay?
AlertPay requires a copy of 1 proof of address and 1 photo identification for verification. Please ensure that all four edges of the documents are visible.
Photo identification can be one of the following:
  • Driver's license
  • Passport
  • State ID, Country ID or Photo Medical ID

Please submit the back of the identification if the expiration date is located on the back.
Proof of address must show your name and address and be dated within the last 6 months. You can submit one of the following:
  • Utility Bill
  • Phone bill
  • Credit card statement
  • Bank Statement

Q: How do I submit my verification documents?
  1. Log into AlertPay
  2. Click on the Become AlertPay Verified link
  3. Click on Upload Now
  4. Select a document type
  5. Select a form type
  6. Upload scanned document
  7. Repeat steps 2-6 for the next document

Q: How long does it take to process my verification documents?
If you upload your documents, we will process them and provide a decision within 10 days of their receipt.
If you are mailing your documents from outside North America, we will process your documents upon receipt. The processing time once we receive the documents is up to 10 business days.
Your documents will be reviewed and the information contained in your documents must match the information on your AlertPay profile in order for them to be approved.
You can view the status of your documents once you log into your account.

Q: What do the statuses mean for my verification documents?
Submitted: The document has been received
Approved: The document has been accepted and is on file
Declined: The document has NOT been accepted. The reason for the decline reason will be provided in the Notes section. You must now submit a new document to complete your verification submission
Expired: The submitted document no longer matches your current information. You must now submit a new document in this category to complete your verification submission

Q: Is verification necessary to add, withdraw, or transfer funds?
Verification of an AlertPay account is not necessary in order to, add or transfer funds. We believe verification increases the security of our network as we are able to verify and authenticate users.Although not necessary, verification is highly recommended.
In some cases, when transactions involve substantial amounts, our security center may ask some members to verify their AlertPay account in order to proceed with their transactions.
If you would like to become verified, simply follow these steps:
Log into AlertPay
  1. Click on Become AlertPay Verified
  2. Click on Upload Now
  3. Select a document type
  4. Select a form type
  5. Upload scanned document
  6. Repeat steps 2-6 for the next document
